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How to change the Spawn Distance for Players on your Minecraft Server

In this tutorial we will show you how to set the player spawn radius on your Minecraft Server using a gamerule command. This allows you to spread your players further from each other when they spawn into your world.

  1. Head over to your server Console or enter into your Minecraft Server.
  2. Enter the command /gamerule spawnRadius <value> (ensuring to keep the upper case letters). This'll set how many blocks away from the world's spawn point where a player gets randomly spawned when joining or after dying. A spawn radius of 1 will ensure all players spawn at the same place each time. The default is set as 10 blocks. Please note that this command is case sensitive.
  3. That's it! No more spawn kills when new players join your server!

If you're still having problems setting the player spawn radius, feel free to contact our support team at and we will happily help you resolve the issue!

Happy mining! ⛏️