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How to change the version of Java on your Minecraft Server

In this tutorial we will show you how to change the Java version for your Minecraft Server. As of Minecraft 1.17, it is now required to run Java version 16 otherwise the server won't start.

At ServerMiner, you can instantly change between versions of Java through the Installer. Our installer will do it's best to automatically select the recommended Java version for your server. Although, if you are faced with an incompatible Java error, you may follow this tutorial.

  1. On your Server Manager, head over to the Installer tab located on the left.
  2. Browse for the game version / modpack which you'd like use and click Install.
  3. Choose your world and then click on Show Advanced Settings. Below "What Java version would you like?", select the Java version which you'd like to use and then click Install.
  4. Congratulations! You've successfully changed the version of Java on your Minecraft server.

If you're still having problems changing your Java version on your modpack, feel free to contact our support team at and we will happily help you resolve the issue!

Happy mining! ⛏️